Notes on Bash and Linux - 2

This is the second part of the notes on my class Digital-age tools for research. The first part covers some basic on linux and operating system in general. You can read it Here. Connection to a remote Server Linux is the most used operating system in the world. Despite the fact that it is likely to find other operating systems for computers and mobiles, Linux is by far the most used operating system for super-computers (also called High Performance Computing). [Read More]

Notes on Bash and Linux - 1

This post contains some notes for my class Digital-age tools for research. It is more a guide line for beginners. It has been divided in two parts. The first one covers some basic knowledge about Linux and operating systems. The second is available here and it is about the use of Linux and bash. This is supposed to be a starting point for people who are approaching the use of Linux and HPC for scientific purposes. [Read More]

Digital-Age tools for Researcher

Digital-age tools for research I finally got the time to clean up my notes on the class I gave last year. They are far to be perfect, and I hope I removed most typos. They are meant to be used as a starting point to gather more information on how to work with computer. The text is created with Typora with its specific MarkDown flavour. PDF exports are also available. [Read More]